Monday, April 30, 2012

NEDA "Save a Life" Walk

National Eating Disorders Association "Save a Life" Walk

This Saturday, I took part in the National Eating Disorders Association "Save a Life" Walk.  Despite eating disorders being the leading cause of death for women ages 15 to 24, they are the least researched mental health disorder.  It is hard to sit back and accept that insurance companies refuse to provide the amount of necessary treatment for eating disorders because of the stigma placed on mental health illnesses.  Not only are eating disorders emotionally damaging, they are physically damaging as well and their need for exceptional treatment needs to be recognized.  With over 10 million women and at least 1 million men suffering with anorexia and bulumia, we all need to do our part to ensure awareness on this silent killer.

The walk started off at 9am with check in and promptly began at 10am.  I met with Amanda, the walk's coordinator who is only 16 years old.  I found her incredibly insightful and motivated to organize and hold the event.  She is passionate to raise awareness and her dedication to the cause is evident.  She had local businesses donate food and drinks and at the end held a raffle for all those registered.  Amanda also provided numerous resources for education, treatment, and nutrition. 

Another young woman I had the pleasure of meeting was Kaitlyn.  I admire her courage and commend her for sharing her story with the group.  I am so happy that with the proper treatment, Kaitlyn is in the final stages of recovery and is a beautiful inspiration to others.  I know from my experience, it is never easy to talk about your struggle with an eating disorder because it is such a secretive illness.  To come out and speak freely is not an easy thing to do, but even if one person is touched by Kaitlyn's story, than she has turned a incredibly painful part of her life into a positive.

Congratulations again to Amanda for raising over $2000 for eating disorders research! Without her hard work and dedication, the event would not have been the huge success that it was!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

CMN Fundraiser at Rite Aid

CMN Fundraiser at Rite Aid, Havre de Grace, MD

On April 27th, I had the opportunity to attend a fundraiser for Children's Miracle Network at the Rite Aid in Havre de Grace, Maryland.  This was such a fun-filled, family event hosted by the lovely Marlene Scadden who has made it her mission to give back to CMN.  When her daughter Sidney was born at Johns Hopkins Hospital weighing in at only 1lb, CMN stepped up to ensure Sidney and Marlene alike were recieving the best care.  While Sidney was at the hospital, CMN paid for the family to stay at a hotel so they could be close to their daughter.  CMN also provided the family with a laptop to keep in touch with other family members when cell phone service was not available.  Today, Sidney is a happy, healthy, and beautiful 6 year old.

For Marlene, fundraising for CMN is not something she feels obligated to do, but a privledge to provide for other families just like hers.  Her selfless dedication is evident in everything she does.  As a pharmacist and loving mother, she hopes to inspire local miracles by contributing directly to Johns Hopkins.  I admire her courage, bravery, and faith in life.

At the event, Marlene brought in a variety of fun, family activities.  The "Legends of the Fog" creepy attraction intrigued and fascinated all, while the Ultimate Raven's Fans encouraged camaraderie and local pride.  AM radio station, Aberdeen 970, covered the event and I enjoyed being interviewed by their superior hosts! I was so grateful to be able to speak about the benefits of coming out to the fundraiser and how CMN hospital Johns Hopkins will recieve all proceeds from the event!

I'd like to say thank you to Marlene and Sidney for dedicating their time to a cause that can truly make a difference in a child's life.  Thank you to everyone who came out to support our own little miracle baby, Sidney, and the Baltimore community!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Visiting Johns Hopkins Children's Center

Visiting Maddie

Today I had the opportunity to visit a beautiful young girl named Maddie at Johns Hopkins, the Children's Miracle Network Hospital in the Baltimore/Washington district. Maddie suffered a terrible foot injury from a lawnmower accident and is now at the hospital recovering. Despite her condition, she is in good spirits and is confident she will be home soon with her family and friends.  Maddie has a courageous soul and has inspired me with her radiance. 

Perspective is what Maddie taught me today.  No matter how hard things get, remember what you have.  I have a loving, supporting family and the loyalist of friends.  I know that if I ever had to face a hardship like Maddie, I would be alright; just like Maddie.  Surrounded by pillow pals, balloons, and friendly faces, at only 9 years old Maddie does realize what she has. She has a family that loves her more than anything in this world that will never leave her side.

It's important to acknowledge the difference you can make in a child's recovery by just making a visit.  Raising funds is essential to providing the best care by equipping hospital's with the latest technology, but if you really want to heal the soul go for a visit.  The gesture alone can inspire miracles.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Teaming up with The Arena Club and CMN!

Teaming up with The Arena Club and Children's Miracle Network!

For the month of April I am proud to say that I am working directly with The Arena Club in Harford County to fundraise for CMN. The Arena Club has so generously made Children's Miracle Network the charity of the month. During this month, anyone who enrolls with the club and brings in a voucher that I can provide, a portion of their enrollment fee will go to benefit CMN. I am so thankful that The Arena Club has decided to support CMN with me but in my journey to Miss Maryland as well. Along with fundraising for CMN, I am working with the club to promote my platform through "looking good, feeling good" initiatives and healthy eating seminars. If you are interested in The Arena Club please visit,, and email me at for details to recieve your CMN donation voucher!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

CMN Fundraiser at Giant

CMN Fundraiser at Giant:

On Friday, April 13th I joined some of my lovely local queens to participate in Giant's Red Carpet Affair to benefit Children's Miracle Network. Gaint has launched a widly successful game called Triple Winner with the goal of making a difference in the fight against pediactric cancer. As a resident of Maryland, the proud home of John's Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, the proceeds of Triple Winner directly support the hospitals' mission. So many deserving children have recieved the care they need and research for pediatric cancer continues to be funded because of Triple Winner.

I was honored to be a part of Giant's Red Carpet Affair and had a great evening serving as an ambassdor for Children's Miracle Network. Along with Raven's super fans, the Chick Fil-A cow, and a pudgey Pillsbury Dough Boy, we all strutted our stuff down the aisle ways to promote a wonderful cause. By giving a small donation, princesses who came to give us a visit recieved a tiara, manicure, and paparazzi pictures to commemorate their glamourous evening amongst the stars. Our table also showcased Triple Winner game cards as well as inspiring stories from children whose recovery was made possible by generous donations. I want to say thank you to Giant and General Mills for sposoring and inviting the Miss America women to the event!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Partnership with National Eating Disorders Association

I have been an advocate for eating disorders recognition and treatment long before I became Miss Appalachia. Since struggling with my own battle against anorexia as a young teen, I have been a proponent for helping people understand eating disorders ever since. Focusing my studies initially in college towards nutrition and then shifting to family counseling, my goal has always been to be involved in eating disorders recovery. After giving mulitple seminars and presentations on influencing factors of eating disorders during college, I decided to complete a volunteer internship at the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt Psychiatric Hospital.

The biggest issue I feel related to eating disorders is co-morbidity, which is how I chose my platform. I found that even caretakers of ED patients did not fully understand the circumstances that surrounded the illness. An ED is more than simply the restriction, purging, or bingeing of food; it is a manifestation as an outlet of control.

Co-morbidity is a term that can be defined as the accompianment of another diagnosable disease/illness in conjuction with an ED (or any other illness). Depression is the most common illness associated with an ED but it is not limited. Once initial feelings of low self esteem and poor body image develop as a result of family troubles, peer pressure, lack of acceptance, or sports committment (etc.), an ED influenced by depression is only a step away. This is where I would like to take a stand. I would like people to RECOGNIZE the signs and take preventative cautions against the development of ED's. If people don't recognize that sadness, low self esteem, feeling at a loss of control, and perfectionist tendencies all play a role in ED development then ED's will continue to be the leading cause of death for women aged 15 to 24.

I have teamed up with NEDA, the National Eating Disorders Association, to participate and volunteer in their upcoming Walk against Eating Disorders. I'm extremely excited to begin my work with NEDA and I hope that with my contribution ED research will be on the rise. Shockingly, even though ED's are the most deadly mental illness, they are the least funded and researched.

Please visit my advocacy page for NEDA which is located on the right hand side of my blog. Just click the link and help support a cause that is so close to my heart.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bunny Bonanzoo at the Baltimore Zoo

April 7th- Bunny Bonanzoo at the Baltimore Zoo

In celebration of Easter, the Baltimore Zoo hosted a family friendly special event cleverly named "Bunny Bonanzoo". I had a great time volunteering at the egg hunt with Miss University City's Outstanding teen Kennedy. We greeted and shared our afternoon with ambitious young egg hunters searching for as many eggs as their baskets could hold! Princesses and charmers alike stole my heart as I watched their eyes light up with every brightly colored egg they found. Mary Sue candies sponsored the event and at the end of the day all of the volunteers were treated to some delicious filled eggs :)

I would have to say the best part of the day had to have been when my two little cousins Jameson and Connor came with my Aunt Missy and Uncle Evan to visit the zoo. Jameson won a new best friend with his skillful egg toss named, "Monkey Monkey Speedy Monkey". If that isn't the cutest thing you've ever heard, I'm not sure what is. After the Bonanzoo event ended, I explored the zoo with the rest of my family. From watching the lions, polar bears, and artic foxes, it is confirmed that I, along with my 2 and 4 year old cousins, remain enchanted by the zoo. It was a great day spent with my loving family.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Glitz and Glitter! Local Pageant Apperances

Appearances at local Pageants

Miss Western Maryland and Miss Washington County-

Congratulations Grace Herpel, Miss Western Maryland, and Mary-Teal Mulligan, Miss Washington County!

Miss Frederick-

Congratulations Monique Sparks, Miss Frederick!

Miss Urbana, Miss Germantown, and Miss Gaithersburg-

Congratulations Lauren Kozlosky, Miss Urbana; Jessica Bermudez, Miss Germantown; and Victoria Simpson, Miss Gaithersburg!

Credit Union Cherry Blossom Run for Children's Miracle Network

April 1st- Credit Union Cherry Blossom Run for Children's Miracle Network

As part of working with the Miss America Organization, I have been working with Children's Miracle Network in an effort to raise funds and provide excellent care for children's hospitals nationwide. In our beautiful Nation's Capital, Washington DC, Miss University City's Outstanding Teen, Kennedy, and I volunteered as part of the "Green Team" at the annual Cherry Blossom Run for CMN. While thousands of runners strutted their stuff for 10 miles, Kennedy and I made sure that that the national mall was kept clean! We seperated different types of waste into specific containers to make sure that these products were turned into reusable, green, energy! No, this wasn't the most glamourous job, but it is an important one. As a nation we need to be as conciously aware of the amount of pollution we produce and how we can create reusable, efficient, energy.

Early in the morning...6am! coffee's and crowns in hand!

Rockfield Manor Easter Egg Hunt

March 31st- Rockfield Manor Easter Egg Hunt

Even though it was a chilly, overcast morning, that did not stop the dozens of families from celebrating the magic of Easter at Rockfield Manor. I volunteered at the egg hunt and helped foster community wellbeing amongst Bel Air residents. The Manor house set up 2 seperate egg hunts, one for kids 4 and over, and one for kids 3 and under. When the whistle blew and the hunt started, kids of all ages ran through the yard grabbing goody-stuffed eggs. I had a great time making new friends and rediscovering the irresistable charm of the easter bunny :)

Lord of the Dance- Performance at Dupont Theater

March 23-25th- Performance with "Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance"

After breaking my foot in October, I missed out on joining Troupe 2 on their European tour this past winter and consequently their most recent U.S. tour this spring. Needless to say, I was devastated. Having been a dancer my whole life, it has been my dream to tour professionally. Competitions are one thing, but nothing quite compares to the rush that envelopes your body as you step on a stage in front of thousands. One of my best memories since graduating college and touring was when I danced at the National Forest Arena in Brussels, Belgium. The Arena is comparable to that of Madison Square Garden. Now you can't tell me that doesn't get your adrenaline running! Besides the unprecedented friendships I made and the glamour of being a performer, I felt as if I was the best I could ever be. This is what God intended me to do. Dance.

"Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one"-unknown

I don't know if it was fate, but I have to believe everything happens for a reason. When I broke my foot it seemed as though everything I had ever worked for shattered in front of my eyes. I just had to sit down on my sofa, prop up my hard cast, and watch as my dream escaped me. I was at a complete loss.

I am fortunate enough to have a wonderful best friend, Allyn Rose. Ally and I have been friends since she pledged our sorority, Delta Gamma, in the spring of 2008. She has been more than an inspiration to me, but a true light of resilency in the face of harship. When Ally won her 2nd pageant ever, Miss Maryland USA and went on to be a finalist at Miss USA, I could not have been more beaming with pride for her. With Ally's encouragement, I signed up to compete for the title of Miss Appalachia. Miss Appalachia represented more than just a title to me. Miss Appalachia and the Miss America Organization motivated me to really be the best that I can be. I combined my love of dance, my passion for eating disorders awareness (through my own fight and win against anorexia), my hope to continue my education, and my dedication to service to represent myself as a mature young woman at the pageant.

Winning Miss Appalachia has opened up a whole new array of opportunites for not only me, but for me to change lives. I am lucky. I can promise that when I go to compete for Miss Maryland, I will put every ounce of energy I possibly can into being the best I can be. As with everything important in my life, I am willing to pursue my dream with determination, hard work, and a strong belief in my own ability.

"Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one" -unknown

On the weekend of March 23rd I joined up with Troupe 2 for a few performances that my family and friends were able to watch. I was beyond overjoyed to be reunited with some of my best friends and soaked up every last second I could spend with them. Feeling the music pulse through my veins and lacing up my shoes again gave me reinforcement I needed. No matter where I am or what I am pursuing, I can always dance.

Meeting Ally after the show by the stage door and seeing the tears in her eyes has made me treasure our friendship even more. She has and will continue to support me in all my dreams and I am thankful to have such a geniune, beautiful, and selfless best friend. I could never be on my way to Miss Maryland without her.

Welcome Home Troops!

Welcoming home our troops- March 22, 2012

On March 22, I welcomed home 349 U.S. soldiers at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport with Miss University City's Outstanding Teen, Kennedy. Lining the walls of the welcome hall just outside of customs were various posters tediously crafted by elementary students. Families anxiously awaited the return of their loved ones and volunteers were ready to help the weary soldiers with their heavy bags. When the first soldier walked through those double doors a round of applause echoed all around us. As I reached out to shake his hand I offered thanks for his service and a welcoming embrace. His eyes looked full of faith and his smile brought comfort to the crowd. He was happy to be home.

As the soldiers continued to come, some were thankful and excited for the generous welcome group, but some seemed upset by the fanfare. Thats when the effect of war really hit me. Even though I've spent years of my life studying, reading, and watching what the brutalities of war can do to a person, never before had I experienced it first hand. I hope that I will never have to bear the scars that some of these soldiers carry. Even though they may not consider themselves heroes, each and every one of them is a hero to me.

Because of these valiant men and women we live in a free country. Thank you.

B-More Healthy Expo

March 17th- B-More Healthy Expo

On the longest day of the year for the majority of Irish dancers, St.Patricks Day, I ventured downtown to join the Baltimore Health Expo with Miss University City's Outstanding Teen Kennedy. The expo promoted local busninesses in addition to fitness demonstrations and mulitple performances by UMD's Gymkana and dance centers around the city. As I met with Fox news, Sinai hospital representatives, and the University of Maryland's center for nutrition, I discussed with them the importance of recognizing the establishment of good mental health to prevent eating disorders. My platform, "Starving for Attention: More than Just an Eating Disorder", focuses on the co-morbidity of eating disorders.

For most, the term "co-morbid", has yet to become a word in their understanding of mental health problems. Co-morbid simply implies the accompianment of another mental disturbance with the diagnosed disease. For example, eating disorders are rarely diagnosed without the addition of depression (the most common co-morbid disease). Depression is not the only mental health issue that influences an eating disorder. The afflicted individual could also be suffering from bipolar disorder, low self-esteem, DID (dissociative identity disorder), etc. brought on by peers, family, abuse, competitive sports arenas, or genetic inheritance. It is my mission to educate individuals on the common misconception that "people with eating disorders don't eat". There are many different types of eating disorders and they develop from a number of factors.

The B-More Healthy Expo was a great event that educated and demonstrated how to take care of ourselves, our families, and our homes.

Appearances February-April catch up!

Since I'm still new to blogging and have yet to figure out how to change the settings (which may or may not take me an eternity), I decided to condense the appearances I have done as Miss Appalachia into a few current posts. Hopefully one day I will learn how to use this properly, wish me luck :)

February 28th- IHOP CMN National Pancake Day

National CMN Pancake Day at IHOP was my first official appearance as Miss Appalachia for Children's Miracle Network. Before I even stepped inside a few tiny admirers asked for a picture with "the princess" which I was more than happy to oblige. If those twinkling eyes and geniune smiles were outside the door, I couldn't wait to get inside where all the chocolate chip pancakes were stacked. Greeted by the generous manager, my family and I sat down to enjoy some pancakes. When my delicious plate of double chocolate chip pancakes arrived I quickly became enamored with the whipped cream crown my waitress had put on top. So thoughtful! After finishing up, I went table to table discussing the benefits of donating to CMN. When you are surrounded by so many children full of life, hope, and dreams, it is hard to deny one that may need a little more support. The great thing about CMN is that they cover the whole spectrum of care for children's hospitals and their patients. From toys and blankets to state of the art medical equipment, CMN makes it possible for children in need to recieve the best care. Throughout the night I met many young and kind souls. I am elated to continue my work with CMN this upcoming year.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A New Beginning

I have always admired those women that we call "beauty queens"; effortlessly floating across a stage in their evening gown, always so poised and eloquent when they speak. Never did I imagine that I could be one of those women. Behind all the glamour, the luscious curls, and long lashes is a woman who is dedicated to her community, education, health, talent, and success.

On February 4th 2012, I was crowned Miss Appalachia. I am thrilled to begin this journey and thank God every day for giving me a new beginning. I cannot wait to continue developing my platform, "Starving for Attention: More than Just an Eating Disorder" and educating individuals on the co-morbidity of a disease that affects over 8 million American's every year. I am also looking forward to beginning my work with Children's Miracle Network alongside the Miss America Organization. This upcoming year I hope to inspire and become a role model to those in pursuit of their potential. I cannot wait.