
Starving for Attention: More than just an Eating Disorder

Long before I became Miss Appalachia, I have been devoted to spreading eating disorders awareness.  Unfortunately, I have an insiders perspective on how and why eating disorders develop, and what keeps them alive.  At age 13, a tough turning point for any young girl, I was diagnosed with anorexia.  Anorexia is eating disorder where an individual purposefully restricts their food intake often in hopes of loosing a dramatic amount of weight.  Eating disorders cover an entire spectrum and are not limited to but include bulimia nervosa  (bingeing and purging), anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and EDNOS (eating disorders not otherwise specified).  As a fully recovered young woman, it is my hope that I can serve as an inspiration to other young women struggling with an eating disorder.

My platform specifically focuses on the co-morbidity of eating disorders and preventative methods that can be taken.  Co-morbidity refers to the accompaniment of a diagnosible illness in association with an eating disorder (this can be true for other illnesses as well).  Most commonly depression is co-morbid with an eating disorder.  Up to 80% of purging anorexic individuals also experience depression.  People commonly mistake that an ED stands alone, but that is simply untrue.  By taking preventative measures, like encouraging positive body image, high self esteem, and confidence in addition to recognizing why these conditions exist, I hope to stop eating disorders before they start.

Currently I am working with Harford County Public Schools providing guidance to 4th and 5th grade girls on the importance of self esteem, acceptance from peers, and recognition of bullying practices that can lead to an eating disorder.  I also work with NEDA, the National Eating Disorders Association, to raise funds and promote eating disorders research.  As a student I have made many presentations on ED development as well as completed a volunteer internship with the Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt.

If you would like to help me in my mission please visit my advocacy page located on the right hand side of this blog.  Thank you.